Member Safety

Member Safety

What information should teachers have to maintain a safe learning environment?

The teacher will be informed of each student who engaged in, or is reasonably suspected of, acts that are grounds for suspension or expulsion, within the past three years [EC 49079].

Is a school district required to inform teachers of students’ violent, criminal, harassing, or threatening conduct?

Yes, such information shall be provided within five (5) working days from when the information was known. The information provided shall be limited to the previous three (3) school years [EC 49079].

What shall occur whenever any employee is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil?

Whenever any employee of a school district or of the office of a county superintendent of schools is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, it shall be the duty of the employee, and the duty of any person under whose direction or supervision the employee is employed in the public school system who has knowledge of the incident, to promptly report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the county or city in which the incident occurred. Failure to make the report shall be an infraction punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) [EC 44014].

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This website is designed to present general information to MTA members; it should not be considered legal advice. While the publisher(s) will try to keep the information timely and accurate, there are no guarantees. The information made available is subject to change without notice. The user assumes the risk of verifying any materials used or relied upon.

Health Premiums

Modesto City Schools

Note: The MOU – Health Benefits Contributions intent is that the increase of $100 per month in the District contribution toward the purchase of District approved insurance plans will be incorporated into the benefit selections completed during Open Enrollment in fall 2023 and effective for the 2024 benefit year.

2024 online enrollment began September 18th and closed October 13th for all health and welfare benefits. During this time, employees determined the benefit plan coverage(s) for January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.


To be eligible for cash-in-lieu, employees must provide proof of coverage of other minimum essential coverage. Employees hired after 7/1/2020 are not eligible for cash-in-lieu (see acceptable proof).

The 2024 Cash-in-Lieu medical form is available at the following link: Cash In Lieu – Certificated. THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT YOUR CASH-IN-LIEU FORM IS OCTOBER 31, 2023.

MTA Medical Benefits Trust Fund

The purpose of the MTA Medical Benefits Trust Fund (MBTF) is to provide supplemental funds for MTA retirees’ health care premiums from the time of their retirement until they become Medicare eligible.

Effective July 1, 2023, eligible retirees receive $575 per month* to supplement their health care premiums until they reach age 65.

  • Retiree must have 15 years (FTE) of full-time employment in Modesto City Schools, with at least the final three years as a member of the MTA bargaining unit.
  • Retiree must be at least 55 years old at the time of retirement.
  • Retiree must have District health coverage at the time of retirement.

*Note: Some other conditions may apply.

Suspension by Teacher

Teacher’s Right to Suspend EC 48910

A teacher may suspend a pupil from his/her class or class period for any act specified in Education Code § 48900 for the day of the suspension and the day following.

The right of teachers to send students to the office for willful defiance, bullying, and disrupting the classroom environment remains intact.

The suspension must be immediately reported to the principal and the student sent to the principal for further action.

The teacher must also request a parent/teacher conference as soon as possible.

The pupil shall not be returned to the class from which the pupil was suspended during the period of the suspension without the concurrence of the teacher and the principal.

Stand in solidarity and refrain from housing a suspended student from another class. While teachers have a general duty to maintain custody and control over their students, school districts have the legal responsibility to establish and enforce the discipline policy that circumscribes teachers’ supervisory efforts. This means that the principal is responsible for general school administration, including enforcement of the school district’s discipline policy [5 CCR § 5551].

This website is designed to present general information to MTA members; it should not be considered legal advice. While the publisher(s) will try to keep the information timely and accurate, there are no guarantees. The information made available is subject to change without notice. The user assumes the risk of verifying any materials used or relied upon.