MTA Citizens for Excellence in Education

Hand voting png sticker, election

MTA Citizens for Excellence in Education is the political action committee of the Modesto Teachers Association. Through voluntary contributions, CEE is able to engage in supporting candidates and ballot issues of importance to the Modesto Teachers Association. These voluntary contributions are not tax deductible. Contributions to CEE are voluntary. Your status as a member of MTA/CTA/NEA will in no way be affected whether or not you choose to contribute.

NOTE – None of MTA’s DUES is used to finance political campaigns. All CEE money comes from your voluntary donations and fundraisers.

Modesto Teachers Association

MTA Subscription

Subscribe to the MTA Blog

MTA Blog

In addition to the MTA Newsletters that are emailed (like President’s Post), MTA members will receive an email notification each time a post is published on our MTA Blog. It has also been synchronized with our MTA Instagram and Facebook.

#MTAforyou; #modestoteachersassociation; #UnionStrong

The MTA Blog consists of posts regarding elections, insurance, calendars, salary, and much more.

Subscribe to our MTA Blog

We encourage MTA members to subscribe to our MTA Blog for the latest union news and resources. After confirming your MTA Blog subscription, members will receive an email each time a post is published on our MTA Blog.

Join 1,264 other subscribers

2024-25 Calendar

MCS School Calendars

Your valuable input on our annual Calendar Survey to help create future calendars has concluded. Our Collective Bargaining Agreement requires that we start calendar development with the District by the end of November and that we have two years of calendars completed. Thank you for your time and input.